Monday, January 07, 2008


All I want this year is a little bit of sleep!
Clayton has never been a great sleeper. We trained him to fall asleep on his own and he does that famously, but he just doesn't STAY asleep. Since he was born, he would wake several times through the night. We would usually just need to "plug him up" with his pacifier.
This past few weeks, however, he has been waking up EVERY HOUR at night. That's right, I get to see every hour on the clock each night, ALL night. The sleep deprivation is finally starting to get to me.
The doctor thinks he is awaking because he is uncomfortable/itchy due to a sensitivity to milk proteins. We've started giving him this new formula (which unfortunately smells worse than a poopy diaper and costs more than truffle oil. Go figure.) We'll see if this helps his skin & night waking. We've also started to try the Ferber method of sleep training on him. We are praying that these changes will help. This is new territory to us because we didn't have to do anything like this for Caroline. The Baby Whisperer methods worked on her when she was really young so she learned to fall asleep on hew own and thankfully stayed asleep.
Keep your fingers crossed for all of us!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh, how sad + frustrating for all of you! I remember when Leah did this... all I wanted was sleep, and it made it hard to concentrate on anything else. Good luck trying to figure out what he's trying to tell you!