Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Steps for washing dishes aat Scott's house

This is how I wash dishes at my house.
1. Walk to the sink
2. Walk away because someone just bumped into the table, is crying and needs a kiss.
3. Walk back to the sink. Turn the water on.
4. Turn the water off and head to the bathroom because Caroline has to "go poop" and needs assistance.
5. Walk back to the sink. Turn the water on. Pick up the sponge.
6. Put down the sponge. Turn the water off. Walk away and return to the bathroom where Clayton has just climbed the stool and turned the faucet on full force and is attempting to drench the bathroom.
7. Return to the kitchen sink, water, and sponge. Pick up a dish and wash it. Yeah! One done!
8. Leave the sink, water, and sponge because the baby is about to squirm out of his bouncy seat and is crying. Hold and console him.
9. Return to the dishes. Turn the water on.
10. Turn the water off. Clayton has just opened the screen door and is now outside running to the garage. Bring screaming and flailing Clayton back inside. Lock door. (So much for fresh air.)
11. Return to dishes. Turn the water on and pick up sponge.
12. Put down sponge because phone is ringing. Maybe it's Kevin. Nope. Solicitor asking for money. Again.
13. Return to dishes. Hear screaming from both big kids in family room. Leave dishes to go referee and make sure they're not killing eachother or destroying something.
14. Abandon dishes. Perhaps I'll try again after lunch.

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