Wednesday, September 08, 2010

First train ride

I took the children on their first Metra train ride. They were SO excited and loved watching the train come in, hearing the train horn, the ding of the gates, etc.

Clayton was especially excited. He LOVES train gates. That's right...not the actual trains themselves, but the gates at the railroad crossing. He flips out with excitement whenever he sees the gates go down. He even "plays train gate" at home and pretends he's the gate, making all the sound effects and everything.

For the entire ride, Austin chirped in full voice "CHOO CHOO! CHOO CHOO!" (Of course, he can't say CH, so it came out as TOO TOO!)

We rode one stop to the McDonalds in Lake Forest. When we got off the train and it pulled away, Clayton burst into tears. He was only consoled when I told him the train would return and we would ride it again to get home.

Clayton next to his beloved train gate.


Steph said...

Jackson loves train gates too! We affectionately call it the "ding ding" at our house:) I can't believe you took all 3 by yourself, you are brave!

Lyndsey said...

Too cute!! Sounds like a fun adventure! That train station in LF is just a few blocks from my school! Next time you should come stop by!!!