Wednesday, June 15, 2011


My sweet Clayton. I love you more than I can express. You can charm people with those eyes and that smile. You are wonderfully curious and are my best cuddler. I have gotten used to your Clayton-esque antics - like hooking the hose up to the faucet and turning on the water to fill whatever container you have found. I am used to finding the wetvac in the driveway, plugged into the extension cord in the garage. I am used to finding you splashing in the pool you have made in the sink and having all my cabinet knobs tied together with rubber bands. I have even gotten used to tripping over the web of cords and ropes that you have attached every which way in the basement. I will never, however, get used to trips to the ER. So please, refrain from sticking tic tacs up your fact, do not put ANYTHING up your nose again, unless it is a finger. (Yes - that's gross, but I guess I have to give a little SOMEwhere!)

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