Monday, August 13, 2012

Clayton turns FIVE!

Clayton Matthew turns FIVE!  I can't believe my little boy is five years old! Thank goodness you still love to snuggle and give me great big Clayton-hugs.  Cheers to a great five years!
We celebrated on Clayton's birthday by having a "make-your-own pizza" party with Gamma, Boppy, Kim, Jim, Sarah, and Alyssa.

Because Clayton's party theme this year was a "summer Christmas party", the kids made star ornaments and decorated the Christmas tree.  Yes, my Christmas-light lovin' boy got to play with Christmas lights. He was in HEAVEN!
 I even let Clayton sleep with the tree in his room... well, that is until we determined he was TOO excited about all the Christmas lights to EVER go to sleep and had to unplug it. :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

How fun! Happy birthday Clayton!