Sunday, August 10, 2014

1st Family Mini Golf Outing

We had our first ever mini golf outing as a family in mid July.  Although there were tears and rants of frustration from all 3 of the kids at different points of the outing, they all said they loved it and wanted to do it again. It's amazing how much if affected them when they didn't get the ball into the hole in just a few shots. They've played sports in the past - soccer, baseball, gymnastics, etc, and they never seemed to show any competitive drive or real desire to get better at a sport. Then we go mini-golfing for fun and all of a sudden, it's like life or death if they don't make it in the hole. Despite all of their unanticipated reactions, I think everyone did enjoy themselves. Hopefully the next mini golf outing will have a little less drama!


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