Monday, June 08, 2009

Post baby body...

This entry is for my disciplined, exercise-every-day sister.
Since I got pregnant with Caroline, I have put exercise on the back burner (with the exception of running after toddlers and running up and down the stairs to retrieve sippy cups, lovies, lost socks, diapers, etc.) I never have been a "gym person" and have never done yoga or any of that stuff. I used to run and do some sit-ups. That's about it. Well, Austin is going to be baptized in a month, so I tried on a dress I haven't worn in several years that I would like to wear for the ceremony. Um...Right... Poor Kevin tried his best to zip the dang thing. "Is it close to being zipped?" "Um...No. Zipped would be like this..." he said as he pulled both sides together like Scarlet's maid trying to fasten her corset. Not even close.
I think I have some work to do. I dusted off an old Pilates DVD that I bought right before getting pregnant with Caroline and never ended up trying.
Riiiggghhhtttt. Kevin almost peed himself while watching me try to do a push-up and again as I collapsed to the floor while Patty Pilates did another 20 reps of some seemingly easy exercise.
(Again, Meredith - you would have been crying with laughter as I attempted to do these Pilates poses.) Not only am I morbidly inflexible, but also totally uncoordinated and incredibly out of shape. Do I still get credit for trying? Time will tell if I can get on a program to do this at least a few times a week. Will it be in time to get in my dress? Probably not. I did just make red velvet cupcakes after all, and sometimes sugar = sanity!

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