Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Random Caroline Scott

Here are a few tidbits I heard from Caroline today in the car (and keep in mind, we weren't talking about anything related to any of these things.)...

"When I get bigger and bigger, I get to have a wedding and get married...I want to marry Daddy."

"Where do reindeer tinkle and poop?"

And here are a few things out of Clayton's mouth today (and almost every day)...

"I put the broom away." (He's obsessed with brooms and loves to take them out and put them away , again and again. Then he likes to talk about getting them and putting them away...again and again."

"See the drain...See the other drain". He's now obsessed with drains. Those big rainwater drains in the middle of streets or parks, sink drains, bathtub drains, etc. While at BB's house today, we found him in the tub (fully clothed) so he could get closer to that drain. I also have found him headfirst and feet dangling in our kitchen sink exploring that drain on multiple occasions. This kid is a hoot!

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