Sunday, October 07, 2012

Aprons and Caroline sign...

I actually made this this summer, but don't think I ever posted it.
Caroline's new pinafore!  I actually used a pattern instead of just winging it like I've done withe rher other aprons.

She also got a new CAROLINE banner this week. The windows look much better with the curtains I made this summer, but the window shades were kind of ugly, so I thought we'd distract the eye with a paper sign.
To make, just choose a font with good thick letters that are easy to cut out.  (I used Cairo).
Type out the name in Microsoft Word and increase the font size until it's the size you need for your sign, about one letter per page.   You can edit the letters to only show the outline (so you don't waste a lot of ink.) Then set up the printer to print the mirror image (if your printer will do this.)   If not, just print and cut out the letters.  Print on card stock.
If you're looking for fun and different fonts, check out this website -
It's awesome! You can download all kinds of cool fonts.
Pick out several cute scrapbook papers.  Roughly cut out your letters (if mirror image), or cleanly cut out (if printed normally). Use Rubber cement or something similar to glue your  mirror image letters to the back of scrapbook paper.  Cut out. Hole punch at the top and thread through a ribbon.

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