Sunday, January 06, 2013

Technical difficulties....

Blogger won't let me post any more picture! Grrr..... Hopefully this issue will be resolved soon.

Here are some funny sayings out of the mouths of babes...

Clayton on New Years "When I get older, I am not going to have stairs at my house. I'm going to have a conveyer belt that takes you up to the next floor. But do't worry, it will have bars so you can hold on. "

Also from Clayton recently "Mama, will you be living when I get older? 'Cause you have to be the grandma to MY children. "   Yes dear Clayton, I hope and pray that I get to be grandmother to your children!!

Austin sat with us in the "big church" today, which was a communion Sunday. I explained the cracker representing the body of Christ, and the grape juice representing the blood of Christ.
He looked at the juice and said out loud, "Is it really OK to drink blood?"   SO funny. Guess I need to keep explaining!

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