- Wake up at 5:10 am. Start singing or talking or making a siren sound to imitate the firetrucks.
- Throw all pacifiers between the crib and the wall so they have to be fished out with a yardstick by mama.
- Yank any window shades that have yet to be put up.
- Ask to go to the basement
- Drag a kitchen chair over to the kitchen sink and stuff the sponge down the garbage disposal.
Also, empty any bowls or dishes with water with them - half into the sink and half on the floor.
- sing "Oh Beautiful"
- Find Mama's cell phone charger and drag it around like a pet on a leash
-Ask to go the basement again.
- Climb up the stool in the powder room, push down the drain and turn the water on full blast. Try to get as much water in the sink as you can before Mama hears you.
- Go over to Caroline and say enthusiastically "HI Caroline!"
- Ask to put on your jacket (eventhough it is 76 degrees out and the air conditioning is not on.)
- Go from room to room and turn on every light switch you can.
- Go upstairs to Daddy's closet and pull all his ties off the rack.
- Steal your baby monitor and pretend it's a telephone.
- Ask to go to the basement again.
- Go down to the basement if door is left open, pick up the phone and have a little pretend conversation. Leave it off the hook.
- Drag the big canister vacuum to the corner. Narrate that you're "putting the vacuum away."
Then drag it out and put it away in a different corner.
- When outside, when Mama tells you to stay in the backyward, quick run to the front yard when she isn't looking. Go in the garage and get the broom. and the rake.
- Take the broom out and put it in one corner of the garage. Then come out and say you "put the broom away." Then go get it and put it in a different corner in the garage. Come close to knocking out a car window or knocking off someone's head. Do the same with the rake. Then repeat these actions 475 times.