Saturday, January 12, 2008

2 new favorite things...

Here are 2 of my new favorite products for kids...
I finally found a set of "child" silverware for when kids start using spoons & forks to feed themselves (and are beyond the rubber "baby" spoon stage). SO many of the ones out there have handles that are way too chunky, or the forks are so dull that you can't actually use them to stab food, or the spoons are so flat, they don't hold anything liquid. Here is a child set that is just like adult silverware, only a little smaller. They are great and Caroline was even able to use the spoon to eat soup by herself!
Oneida child & baby flatware

No more lost mittens when you are out and about. Here is a site that sells mitten clips (to clip your kids' mittens to their jackets) They come in a million colors and patterns.
Suspenders-online is the website.

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