Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oh what a night...and morning...

Well, here it is St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, one day before my due date and still no baby. Both Caroline and Clayton were 9 and 10 days early, so I had expected about the same with #3. Nope. I've tried just about every natural way to induce labor and this kid just refuses to budge - walking, acupressure, carrying two 26+ pound toddlers on top of my big belly, Liberty doughnuts (which is what I had the morning before I had Clayton), and a variety of other things. I got desperate last night and even tried drinking castor oil. (Very very disgusting with very very disgusting and uncomfortable side effects.) Well, the side effects came, as did many contractions, but no labor and no baby. Ugh. And as a cruel twist of fate would have it, I ended up driving to the hospital this morning. Was it to have a baby like I had hoped? No. It was to take Clayton to "sick call" at the doctor's office after he woke up at 2:30 am and screamed pretty inconsolably from 3:30 am until 7:00. (It turns out the poor kid has a double ear infection.) This baby just refuses to budge. It has definitely been a rough month. We've all been sick and right now Caroline is the only one well! I swear we've gone through more kleenex than we ever have. To top it all off, after a rough night of no sleep for me (again), I stopped at Starbucks to treat myself to a Frapaccino. Well, for the third time this month (yes I've had to treat myself several times this month), they tried to switch my order to a non-fat drink. What gives? Do they look through their little camera, see my big belly and say "she's too fat for the regular drink. Give her the fat-free version instead." I'm PREGNANT and happen to stick out like I'm having multiples, but I'm not fat so give me the friggin' drink I ordered, thank you very much!

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