Thursday, June 17, 2010

Children's Fair

Last Friday, we went to the Winnetka Children's Fair. My sister, brother, and I used to go when we were little, so it's really cool to now take my children. Austin was too young for any of the action, but Caroline and Clayton had a blast!

Train ride

"Next Year, Mama! I'll be ready!"
Face Painting...I didn't even try to see if they would draw a vacuum on his cheek...
"Is your tongue blue from the lollipop too?"

Horsey Rides

Austin passed out in the heat.
Saturday night, we held a dinner party; the first one in YEARS. And as luck would have it, Kevin got sick with the stomach flu the morning of and couldn't even attend! :( It was a hit though! Creamy shrimp crostinis, caprese salad, orzo with roasted vegetables, beef tenderloin with horseradish sauce, and a bavarian apple torte for dessert. yum! People stayed until 1:15 am!
Then on Tuesday, Caroline started camp and gymnastics. More to come on that...hopefully I can get a video or two of her in gymnastics.
THis was from a few weeks ago, but once a prairie girl, always a prairie girl. I made Caroline a petticoat to wear under some of her dresses that are getting a little too short, but are too cute to pack away.
Come on now, are any of you really surprised?

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