Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The last few weeks...

What have we been up to in these last few weeks of summer?
Playing at the pool, riding bikes, going to different parks, and...
Rehabbing a mirror. From gold...
 to shabby chic for Caroline's bedroom.  Next project? Mmaking her curtains...hopefully this fall.
 Dinner at our favorite family's house - the Harveys! Adults and kids alike had a blast! (We forgot to get a picture so the picture is at our house.)
 Outdoor painting

 Trips to the Farmer's Market

 At Libertyville's "Out to Lunch" Friday picnic
 Exploring firetrucks

 Listening to a very loud band
 and Clayton finding cords...
 Caroline and Clayton helping out the band with a tambourine and some maracas.

 Caroline turns five and a half! Miss Pinkalicious requested pinkalicious cupcakes, of course!
 Doing some learning worksheets to get ready for school. Caroline is doing really well learning to read, and Clayton can write his name independently. Yeah! 

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