Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Learning to Swim!

For the past few years, we have taken swim lessons with the park district.  Last year, the first session was a semi-disaster because it was cold and both Caroline and Clayton got so cold they would cry and would have body shakes for most of their lessons. Ugh.  This summer was an especially cold summer and the Vernon Hills park district pool is FREEZING.  Unless it was 85 or hotter, the kids got cold again and had a hard time learning, which unfortunately, was for most of their lessons. UGH!  Despite the cold factor, Caroline still seemed to learn pretty well and passed to level 5, the highest park district level.  She can swim a pretty confident crawl with rhythmic breathing, and can do a decent backstroke and breast stroke.  Clayton, although he improved a little, still wasn't really learning how to swim.  Austin, who likes water the least out of all three, wouldn't put his face in ...EVER, and would cry if splashed, even after 2 sessions of lessons this year.
We bit the bullet and signed up for Foss Swim School. By the second lesson, Austin was happily submerging his entire face.  I thought we'd be lucky if he learned it by the 8th lesson! I was thrilled!  For the first time, Austin actually started to learn to swim! 

Austin swimming

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