Sunday, March 20, 2016

Caroline gets a "new" room

For her 10th birthday, Caroline got to redo her bedroom.
The pink and green room that she had starting when she moved from the nursery was to be transformed into one that more reflected her current favorite colors, and removed the remnants from the room's nursery days.

Caroline at 2 1/2 in her new "big girl bed".   Yes, she may have flip flopped rooms a few times as brothers were added to the family, but her bed and pink and green bedspread had remained the same.

The stencils and the herding geese picture were remnants from when this room was the nursery.

New navy curtains and a bean bag chair
Rose prints replaced with monogram

New bedspread and pillow sham

Stenciled border painted over and wall art taken down and replaced with a tree mural.
Lots and lots of pieces and lots and lots of time carefully placing the mural pieces...

The finished product!

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