Monday, May 16, 2016

Week of April 25 - Beauty and the Beast, Kevin has surgery, spirit week...

The week of April 25th was a busy one for the Scott household. Most notably, Kevin had surgery - a micro discectomy on his spine. Eek!  The pain had gotten unbearable, so he made the decision to try to remove what was pinching his nerve.  We're hoping and praying for a good recovery!
This was Spirit Week at St Joseph, so that meant dress down days (with a theme) for each day of the week. The kids loved it!  Here they are on their crazy mismatch day. 

Caroline also sang a beautiful song for the talent show - "A Life That's Good". Eventhough they played the wrong track, she powered through and sang a beautiful solo. 

On Sunday, we saw our first high school production - Carmel's Beauty and the Beast.  Caroline recognized a few Red Rose singers in the show - including the lead!

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