Friday, January 26, 2007


Guess who has adopted the oh-so-lovely act of spitting out her food when she doesn't want it?
Two days ago, instead of dutifully eating her peas & carrots and her baby cereal, she decided to try spitting them out instead. And the kid spits with force. After wiping mushed peas, carrots, and cereal off my face and glasses, I tried again...with the same result. After some stern "NO spitting!" commands, I feebily hoped this was just a one time thing. Sure enough, yesterday she did the same thing. She spit out her cereal and broke into a big smile and giggle. It was SO tempting to just laugh at my mischievious little munchkin, but I had to stone my face so she wouldn't think this was a fun new game. Keep your fingers crossed that I can get the "no spitting food" rule across sometime in the near future!

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