Friday, August 24, 2007

Beware of the flying pee pee!

We had our first significant flying pee pee incident. Yes, they warn you, but you never seemed quite prepared enough. Sure enough, I was changing Clayton's diaper, when all of a sudden, the little "pee pee" sprouted a leek. He is a squirmy baby, especially when being changed, so as he wiggled, the pee pee did little circles, moving back and forth and spraying tinkle every which way. It truly was like one of those lawn sprinklers that sprays in a rotating circle. After shrieking (me, not him) and grabbing for anything to contain the little sprinkler, I look down and notice wet drops everywhere - on the table, on his face, on his clothes, on my clothes...even in his ear!
Changing my little boy's diaper definitely will take some getting used to!

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