Friday, May 01, 2009

Austin turns 6 weeks!

Austin turned 6 weeks old and now knows how to smile. His whole face lights up and it absolutely melts my heart every time I see it.
He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. (He, of course, LOVES to sleep while being held. He is definitely a snuggler.)

It's kind of funny. I don't know where he picked it up, but Clayton only calls him by his full name now. "Austin Michael!" he'll exclaim when he sees him. Speaking of Clayton, he has been my little "crash cargo" lately. His poor forehead is covered in bruises- old and new. He is constantly crashing head first into door frames, chairs, walls, toys, etc. He is also obsessed with yanking the tubes out of my breast pump, playing with the vacuum, swiffer, and broom and dragging them EVERYWHERE (I hope a career in the custodial arts is not in his future!), and throwing a ball (yes - about the only toy he actually plays with for more than 2 seconds.)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

This picture is PRECIOUS! He looks like the perfect mix of you and Kevin :) What a sweetie! Enjoy this teeny baby stage.