Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Clayton's shenanigans

I don't know if it is because he is a boy, or if it is just his big personality developing, but Clayton is into everything! Let's see...what are his latest shenanigans...
- shaking the dustbuster to get the crumbs out and then eating them (I caught him in the act and quickly removed it from his possession. I can't even imagine the concoction of disgustingness that he was eating. So gross.)
- Sticking his finger in the sauce of his pizza and then smearing one line on one cheek and another line on his other. He was very deliberate about the one line on each cheek. He looked like a little indian. And where did he learn to put on warpaint? I have NO idea. It's not like we watch cowboys & indians programming. ?!?
- Stealing the diaper cream and rubbing it on his cheeks while smiling and saying "LOTION!"
(and of course diaper cream is thick and sticky and very hard to wash off. )
- sneaking into the pantry and pulling out just about anything in a box and then trying to cram as much of the food into his mouth as he can before getting caught.

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