Wednesday, October 07, 2009


The past two weeks has been rough. I have literally been sick with one thing or another for 2 full weeks. It started as a terrible hacking cough, moved on to a random 24 hour bout of stomach flu, turned into a day of actual exhaustion and nausea where I could barely stand up. The cough continued for a few more days through a full blown migraine (again with getting sick to my stomach) and then finally got better, but only when it was replaced by bad nasal congestion and a sore throat. Ugh! To add to the fun, Caroline also had a terrible, keep-her-up-all-night cough, which she passed on to Clayton and Kevin got the sore throat version of this nasty virus. We are like an infirmary around here! THank GOD Austin has not gotten sick. (of course he has decided to stop sleeping through the night, but that is another story.)
Please, pray for healing in our house!

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