Saturday, April 07, 2012


Maybe it's the springtime air and the thought of "spring cleaning", but I've had more of a desire lately to get organized. Get the house a little more clean and a little less "lived in" looking.
Here are a few of my mini-projects.

#1. Pantry labels! 
First of all, we see all kinds of pictures in magazines of truly orgqanized and charming pantries.  But let's be real here.  Does anyone's pantry really look like this?  I mean, do mothers with small children and/or busy lives really take the time to empty each box of pasta, each bag of rice, each box of cereal into cute little canisters?  Sure, it looks great, but at least for me, it's not very practical.
That's not to say that I don't want an organized pantry. I do! My pantry was pretty much the antithesis of what you see above. It was a mess! especially all of my baking stuff.  Thanks to Better Homes & Gardens, I customized and printed out the free labels they offer at
With a few glass canisters, a little hot glue, and some tacky putty, I finally got my pantry in order. Ahhhh... It's the little things that make me smile!

Project #2  Covering the glass of my bathroom cabinets.  I like the idea of the glass bathroom cabinets, but they really work best in guest bathrooms where you don't actually have to store real stuff.  Cute little candles. Little glass jars of cotton balls and mini soaps -  Adorable!  Boxes of medicine, thermometers, vaseline - not so adorable.  We have them in both our master bathroom and the kids' bathroom.  In our bathroom, we have very little storage, so we need every inch of it. But really - who wants to look at drug boxes?  

 My solution? Scrapbook paper!  Just cut it to size and slip it in! No need to even glue or tape it in. Voila!

1 comment:

Gena at said...

Nice work, Lindsay!