Monday, May 21, 2012


OK, usually this blog is filled with joyful pictures, craft or recipe ideas, or light-hearted vignettes.  This post, will not be one of those posts. Today, I feel the need to vent. The morning began with Caroline sobbing and whining that she didn't want to go to school/hated school/wanted to stay home.  I had to basically drag her through each task to get her ready for school. (And no - nothing happened at school last week. She came home every day last week happy as a clam.)  So the day did not start off on a good note. After picking Caroline up from school, I had to run an errand with the kids and tried to encourage them to sit patiently and quietly while they waited. Sometimes this goes well. Today, it did not. They were disobedient and lacking in self-control. Did they do anything terrible? No, but they can definitely do better and it just frustrates me when they don't behave the way they are capable of behaving, especially in public.  It's been one of those days of non-stop disciplines.  They've been in naughty corner, have had pinches, and Caroline even had her precious lovey and new prized nightgown taken away for the rest of the day and night.  After all of this, I caught her writing a note and thought "Oh, she's writing an apology note to me. I feel much better now. " Of course, to keep in tune with the tone of the day, it turns out she was NOT writing me a note. She wrote a note to her lovey and her nightgown saying how much she missed them.  Sigh.  Finally, I make it to my prized 45 minutes of time when all the kids are either napping or in their rooms for quiet time and Clayton, for the 4th day in a row, emerges from his room, claiming he has to poop. His nap time is almost over, and he hasn't even fallen asleep yet (and Clayton without a nap is not a pretty sight.) Why is it that when he could poop any time during the day - from 6 am to 8 at night, he always has to poop right in the middle of his nap, which means he gets an extremely short nap and then is more disagreable for the rest of the day? Seriously? And not to be gross - but the kid has bathroom issues. So to spend 10 minutes wiping nasty mcnasty during my sacred 45 minutes is even more frustrating.  Grrrrr...
Am I overwhelmingly blessed? Yes. I am. And most times, I am more than content with life. But every once in a while, I just need to vent about life's little annoyances. Yes - they are indeed little, but they are annoyances nonetheless.   Thank you for letting me vent. 

1 comment:

Steph said...

I'm so so sorry you had such a crummy day!! You are a great, patient mommy. I hope today is a better day!