Wednesday, May 06, 2015


Egg hunt at church

The golden Egg
For Easter, we attended Christ Church’s easter egg hunt.  Before the kids were dismissed from the sanctuary to go start hunting for eggs, Sandy explained that there were a few golden eggs out there.  "There are only a few, but there are tons of other colored eggs". She explained that there was nothing in the golden eggs, but that if you found one, find one of the adult leaders and they would give you a special prize. Austin’s eyes lit up and he said “I’m gonna get a golden egg” with such excitement.  I told him that there were only a few and that he should just be happy with the eggs that he finds.  The kids were then dismissed by age, and all the kids descended on the lawn in an egg-finding fury.  A few minutes later, Austin found me and with a huge smile on his face, proudly displayed the golden egg that he had found.  He was very concerned with keeping it safe. I just told him to put it at the bottom of his bucket and go find some more colored eggs.  When all the eggs were gone and the lawn was bare, I reunited with Austin.  We dug to the bottom of his bucket and found his golden egg. Just then, we saw a boy, a little bit older than Austin, standing with his parent, crying.  Austin looked at the egg, then looked at the boy, then turned to me and said “Mama, I want to give my golden egg to that boy. He’s crying”.  My heart melted and I started tearing up.  “Oh sweetheart, I told him.  You don’t have to. You can keep your golden egg. It’s OK if you want to keep it.”  “No” he said. “I want to give it to that boy.”  He walked right over to him, handed him the egg and said “here”. Then he turned around and walked back to me.  I couldn’t have been more proud of his generous spirit.  He gave sacrificially in its pure and simple form. I was so proud of his generous and loving heart that day! 

Decorating Eggs

Making Easter Cookies

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