Thursday, August 29, 2013

Downtown Family Day

We had our first "downtown family day" last week before school started. It is the first time we took all the kids to spend the entire day in Chicago! We started out at the Sears Tower...(yes, I know it is now the Willis Tower, but it will always be the Sears Tower to me!) It's been decades since I went to the top of the tower. What great views!

We even ventured out onto "the ledge". Clayton liked it; Caroline was a little nervous; and  Austin was totally freaked out!

 We proceeded to Buckingham Fountain. It was a hot day, so all the mist was quite welcome!
 We met Papa for lunch at a little Asian restaurant on Michigan Ave.

We then walked across to Millennium park and played in the fountain.

 We walked through the Lurie gardens and over to "the Bean".

 To our surprise, Coach Q appeared with his family and the Stanley Cup and took a picture under the bean.  Unfortunately, I was on the wrong side to get a good picture!

We walked Michigan Ave, went down by the Chicago River, and stopped for a few quick rests at the Disney store and the American Girl store.
We traveled up to the top of the John Hancock for more spectacular views and some ice cream...(only to learn that they no longer serve ice cream.)
 We took a taxi (the boys' first ever) back to our car and headed to Lincoln Park for pizza at Bricks (thanks to a great recommendation from Taylor and Jess).
 We completed our trip with a stop at Sweet Mandy B's for cupcakes.
 It was a long, but fun-filled day and three little munchkins passed out in the car on the way home!

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