Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 3 - Cub scout campout

October 3rd was our cub scout campout at Camp Oakarro.  

 Tiger leader Mr. Batka taught the boys all about hiking safety, animal tracks, and the nature around them.

The wolves also went on a hike and learned about the animal and plant life around the area, as well as fire safety.  

Caroline was thrilled to have Bella and Katie there!
The weather called for cold, but 0% chance of rain.  Of course, it did rain and proceeded to drizzle for the next few hours. 

We stayed through the campfire, but by the time it got dark, everyone was cold, wet, and more than happy to come home. 
To allow them to still "camp", we set up the tent in the family room and the kids did some indoor camping. THe tent pretty much took up the entire family room!

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