Saturday, February 12, 2011

Austin's First Haircut

Austin's hair was getting a little long and was past the point where I could just trim it up a bit (as I've done up to this point.). He had a full on "too long" bowl that was getting in his eyes.

So, we headed off to KidSnips for his very first haircut. He got to sit in a racecar and watch a Thomas video.

At first, he was just dazed and confused.
Then they sprayed his head with water and he started to realize he did NOT like what was going on.

The scissors came out and he started to WAIL!
Enough was enough. He wanted OUT!

With a balloon in hand, he perked up a bit when he went to the indoor playground at the mall for a little fun.

I hadn't wanted such a short haircut, and had tried to explain to the hairdresser, but after checking on Clayton (who was also getting a cut), I came back to find his white-blond hair all chopped off. He looks SO different.
I think he still looks adorable, but I do kind of mourn his long white blond baby hair. Ah well. We move on...

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